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Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Occasional Sat 9am - 2:30pm

Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Rachel at CranioSacred Austin
Rachel, Craniosacral Therapist, at CranioSacred Austin

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle bodywork modality that has its starting point in something called the cranial rhythm. You can think of the cranial rhythm as a fluctuating tide powered by the generation and re-absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles (hollow parts) of the brain.

Although the cranial rhythm is generated in the head, it may be felt anywhere on the body. It is the first rhythm to appear at conception, and the last to leave, disappearing about 15 minutes after clinical death.

When I tap into your cranial rhythm, I feel for irregularities and when I find them, I use light touch to recruit your body’s self-healing abilities.

Everyone’s experience of the work is unique.

For some, feeling heat or vibration followed by pain relief is the norm. Others experience strong emotions or memories that the body has chosen to process and integrate. I am trained and committed to supporting you through anything and everything that comes up for you while on the table, safely and without judgement.

Psychotherapist-supervised Sessions

If you are already working with a therapist, have a psychological condition that requires specialized support, or are considering Craniosacral Therapy on the recommendation of your therapist, this option may be for you.

You already have a rapport with your therapist. He or she knows your life experiences and patterns. Their immediate input and support during a craniosacral session can set you at ease and facilitate deeper, more profound releases.

Ask your therapist about our Couples, Family, Group, and Tandem Craniosacral Therapy. Two or more of our therapists work on you simultaneously.

Email to schedule your Craniosacral Therapy (CST) Session.


Visit our FAQ Page for additional information about Craniosacral Therapy.

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