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Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Occasional Sat 9am - 2:30pm

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Are Craniosacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional (SER) Safe for Everyone?

For the most part, Craniosacral Therapy and SER are safe and beneficial for all populations, including children, animals, and the elderly. That said, there are some conditiongs that warrant at least a check-in with your doctor or therapist before Craniosacral Therapy should begin. These conditions include but are not limited to the following:

Emotional/Psychological Conditions

  • Current or past psychosis caused by mood or personality disorders
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder (type one or two)
  • Current or recent suicidal ideation or attempts
  • Self-harming behaviors
  • History of harming others when emotionally triggered

Please keep in mind that I offer Craniosacral Therapy in the same building as a group of diverse and well-trained psychotherapists who are available for support and may even be physically present during sessions upon request. None of the above conditions is an outright contradiction for Craniosacral Therapy. Please tell me about any diagnosed emotional or psychological conditions so I can best serve you.

Physical Conditions

  • Hydrocephalus
  • Brain Tumor
  • Chiari Malformation
  • Recent Stroke
  • Recent Aneurysm
  • Unexamined Head Injury
  • Recent Spinal Epidual
  • Leakage of Cerebrospinal Fluid from Nose or Ears
  • Any Condition that could be adversely effected by a change in the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Any condition or injury that should more appropriately be addressed by Emergency Medicine

Who Can Benefit From Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy can improve quality of life for people suffering from a wide range of illnesses and issues, with the following representing only a short list:

  • Pain and Inflammation
  • Stress, Tension, Mood Disorders
  • Disc Problems
  • Concussions
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Orthodontic Treatment
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmunity
  • Autism
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis (Osteo and Rheumatoid)
  • Cancer
  • Immune System Dysfunction, including HIV/AIDS
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Endocrine Disorders
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Tinnitus
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome

This might not be for you if…

What are Tandem Sessions and how can I benefit from them?

What are Pediatric Session like and how do they help?

What is Mindwalking?

How Do You Handle Sexual Energies During a Session?

Sexual energies are inherent to human life and behavior.  Sexual desire wants what it wants when it wants it, regardless of what social norms, rules or religious training have to say on the subject.  Thus, sexual material forms a huge chunk of the human shadow—the realm of that which is rejected and repressed yet a stealthy director of our affairs.  Sexual drives are selfish for a good reason.  They represent the place within us that is most “self,” linked with the safe passage of our particular genetic material into the future.  Sex is a huge part of the human experience, but it shouldn’t be driving the bus.  

As practitioner, my role is to act as witness and to facilitate the passage of information from the subconscious to the conscious mind as safely as possible.  It would be wrong to deny that sexual energies may begin to manifest in session.  It is my belief that, as these energies carry potentialities toward both creation and destruction, they are exceptionally volatile and need a strong container.  This, I believe, is the reason most religions call for sex in the context of marriage.  In any case, my treatment room is not an adequate or appropriate container for these forces.  Nudity, touching oneself, flirting, directing sexual energy toward me or asking for touch on or around sexual areas is not allowed.  In addition, although pelvic floor work is a legitimate form of treatment, this isn’t something I do.  I also promise to never intentionally provoke a sexual response.  My room is a safe place to be verbally expressive about what you have experienced sexually, how you feel about it, and how your body is responding in the moment.  

I am a Christian, is this something that is for me?

I live an alternative lifestyle. Would I feel comfortable at CranioSacred Austin?

The short answer is, YES. Watch this video for my in depth response.

What are the boundaries in your practice?

Do you offer classes?

Short answer, YES! Check out my videos to learn more. You can also click here for more info.

Website by Laura Gunn Marketing