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Craniosacral Therapy applied to the glial cells accesses the most minute underpinnings of the human nervous system. Glial cells include all cells within the brain, spinal cord, and specific areas of the peripheral and enteric nervous system that are not neurons. As you may recall from high school biology class, neurons are the cell types that wire together to create synapses. They send electrical and chemical impulses between themselves to move us into thoughts, words, actions, and the human experience.

Glia and Neurons

Glial Cell Work

Glia are essentially partners to neurons. Specialized types of glial cells are tasked, among other things, with the mammoth undertaking of orchestrating the development of the central nervous system (CNS) in utero, regulating neuroplasticity, controlling blood and nutrient flow within the CNS, myelination of the central and peripheral nervous system axons, cerebrospinal fluid production, flow and drainage, and defending our CNS from infection and toxicity. Neuroscience now recognizes that aberrant form and function in the glia is the common factor behind all neurodegenerative diseases.

Glia and Craniosacral Therapy

In a nutshell, when I apply Craniosacral Therapy to the glia I use my hands to assess fundaments of the nervous system such as the blood-brain barrier, glymphatic system (basically the sewage system for the CNS) and the membranous and ventricular structures within the central nervous system. Glia link these structures and their work together, forming a biomechanical route that extends from bone to the depths of the nervous system. A focused feather light touch on the head from a competent therapist can easily communicate itself into brain tissue. The existence of this connection explains at least in part, how cranioscral therapy can move mountains leveraging only the weight of a nickel. We especially recommend work with the glia in cases of stroke, traumatic brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, brain tumor, Autism, Epilepsy, concussion, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and all other neurodegenerative disease processes.

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